The design and innovation in our products is unique to Verveviper and is protected by patents and trademarks issued by the United States Patent & Trademark Office, and authorities in other countries.

Our legal team makes sure our intellectual property is protected and we will not hesitate to enforce our rights when necessary.

Our Verveviper products may be covered by one or more pending patent applications and/or one or more of the following patents:

AU 201817027

AU 201817028

AU 201817029

AU 202017131

AU 202210372

AU 202210373

AU 202210374

AU 202217722

AU 202217726

AU 202217727

AU 202217728

AU 202217730

AU 202217731

AU 202217732

AU 202217733

CN 112041571

CN 204785421

CN 303239699

CN 305249834

CN 305250704

CN 305596227

CN 306267486

CN 306926507

CN 307412317

CN 307470730

CN 308204324

EU 005832789

EU 005832854

EU 008097372-0001

EU 008312334-0001

EU 008836290-0001

EU 008836290-0002

EU 008836290-0003

EU 015007019-0001

EU 015007020-0001

EU 015007020-0002

EU 015007020-0003

EU 015007020-0004

EU 015007020-0005

EU 015033730-0001

EU 015033730-0002

EU 005832813

HK 2220893.2M001

HK 2220893.2M002

HK 2220894.4

HK 2220895.7

HK 2220896.9M001

HK 2220896.9M002

HK 2220897.1

HK 2220898.3

KR 30-1187867

KR 30-1201075

KR 30-1201076

UK 6136594

UK 6187050

UK 6187051

UK 6187052

UK 6251515

UK 6251516

UK 6251517

UK 6251518

UK 6251519

UK 6251520

UK 90058327890001

UK 90058328130001

UK 90058328540001

UK 90080973720001

US 10569717

US 10649492

US 11303143

US 8830663

US 9243739

US D852681

US D865252

US D870718

US D870719

US D873812

US D876316

US D883922

US D940125

US D941760

Any and all other trademarks and service marks used by us are owned by us, including the trademarks which are registered in the U.S. and/or other countries.

The innovative designs of our products are unique to Verveviper and are safeguarded by patents and trademarks issued by the United States Patent & Trademark Office, as well as by relevant authorities in other countries.

Our dedicated legal team ensures the protection of our intellectual property, and we are prepared to take appropriate action to enforce our rights whenever necessary.